Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta psychometric properties. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta psychometric properties. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 19 de julio de 2016

Psychometric properties of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) in a cohort of peruvian pregnant women

STUDY OBJECTIVES: We sought to evaluate the construct validity and factor structure of the Spanish-language version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) among pregnant Peruvian women. METHODS: A cohort of 642 women were interviewed at ≤ 16 weeks of gestation. During interview, we ascertained information about lifestyles, demographics, sleep characteristics, and mood symptoms. Stress induced sleep disturbance, depressive symptoms, and anxiety symptoms were evaluated using the Ford Insomnia Response to Stress Test (FIRST), Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), and Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) assessment scales, respectively. Consistency indices, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, correlations, and logistic regressions were used. RESULTS: Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses indicated a three-factor solution: sleep quality, sleep efficiency, and sleep medication. We observed significantly positive correlations of the PSQI with the FIRST (0.42), the PHQ-9 (0.49), and the GAD-7 (0.46). Poor sleepers (PSQI global score > 5) had significantly increased odds of experiencing stress-induced sleep disturbance (odds ratio, OR = 3.57; 95% CI: 2.40, 5.31), depression (OR = 5.48; 95% CI: 3.58, 8.37), and generalized anxiety disorder (OR = 4.57; 95% CI: 3.08, 6.76). CONCLUSION: The Spanish-language version of the PSQI instrument was found to have good construct validity among pregnant Peruvian women. Consistent with some other studies, the PSQI was found to have a three-factor structure. Further assessment and validation studies are needed to determine whether the three, factor-specific scoring of the PSQI is favored over the PSQI global score in diverse populations.


Psychometric Properties of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) in a Cohort of Peruvian Pregnant Women. 2015, 11 (8):869-77 J Clin Sleep Med

lunes, 11 de julio de 2016

Validez estructural de la escala de autorregulación del aprendizaje para estudiantes universitarios / Structural validity of the learning self-regulation questionnaire for university students

RESUMEN: El objetivo del estudio fue obtener evidencias de validez de la estructura interna del Cuestionario de Autorregulación del Aprendizaje (Learning Self-Regulation Questionnaire; LSRQ) y verificar la invarianza métrica comparada con un estudio previo. Los participantes fueron 237 estudiantes universitarios de los tres primeros ciclos académicos de una universidad privada, procedentes de tres ciudades del Perú (dos del norte y una de Lima). El análisis se realizó mediante un análisis factorial semiconfirmatorio, especificando como matriz de comparación (a) la configuración derivada de un estudio previo, y (b) la estimación libre de las cargas factoriales. Los resultados indican que dos dimensiones representan satisfactoriamente la estructura del instrumento; pero la invarianza métrica respecto a un estudio previo no fue satisfactoria. La reespecificación del modelo, mediante la eliminación de dos ítems con problemas de complejidad factorial y la estimación libre de los ítems, obtuvieron resultados satisfactorios. Se discuten estos resultados en el marco de la interpretación de sus puntajes y la falta de invarianza métrica.

DESCRIPCIÓN: The study’s aim was to obtain evidence of validity of the Learning Self-Regulation Questionnaire (LSRQ) internal structure and to verify metric invariance compared with a previous research study. The participants were 237 university students from the first three academic semesters of a private university in three Peruvian cities (two in the North of Peru, and one in Lima). The analysis was performed by a semi-confirmatory factor analysis, specifying as comparison matrix: a) the configuration derived from a previous study, and b) the free estimation loadings factors. The results indicate that two dimensions represent the instrument structure satisfactorily; but the metric invariance compared to a previous study was not satisfactory. The re-specification of the model, by removing two items with factorial complexity problems and the free estimation of the items, was successful. These results are discussed so as to the interpretation of their scores and the lack of metric invariance.